
Collection of the technical content I develop : Blogs, Videos, How-to's, Code Samples. (Content for MathWorks as a MathWorks employee)

Project maintained by goel-neha Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Deep Learning for Student Competitions

This is my first blog. In this blog I talk about a high level overview about resources provided in MATLAB and Simulink for developing AI component in your projects. The post ends with me introducing myself and my work with the MathWorks student competitions team.

@ MathWorks channel

Video Series: Deep Learning for Object Detection

Video Series of 4 videos demonstrating the complete workflow of object detection from Data Labelling to NVIDIA Jetson Deployment with YOLOv2 network

Video 1: Data Pre-Processing for Deep Learning

Video 2: Deisgn and Train a YOLOv2 Network in MATLAB

Video 3: Import Pre-Trained ONNX Networks to MATLAB

Video 4: Deploy YOLOv2 to an NVIDIA Jetson with GPU Coder

GitHub Repo

Blog on YOLOv2 Object Detection from ONNX Model

How I imported Tiny YOLOv2 ONNX model in MATLAB and re-trained the network to detect objects on custom data set

@ Towards DataScience Medium

Benchmark Code for Open AI Caribbean Data Science Challenge

Starter code for the DrivenData’s Open AI Caribbean Challenge: Mapping Disaster Risk from Aerial Imagery in MATLAB. Used BigImage and Deep Learning techniques to classify the roof types from aerial images of Caribbean cities.

@ DrivneData Blogs

@ MathWorks Medium

GitHub Repo

Benchmark Code for Advance Alzheimer’s Data Science Challenge

Starter code for the DrivenData’s Clog Loss: Advance Alzheimer’s Research with Stall Catchers Data Science Challenge in MATLAB. Used CNN + LSTM network for video classification.

@ DrivenData Blogs

@ MathWorks Medium

@ MathWorks Racing Lounge

GitHub Repo

Blog on 5 methods of Video Classification

A blog that discussed about different methods of Video Classification and provides resources how you can implement them in MATLAB.

@ Towards DataScience Medium

Women in Data Science Datathon 2020 - 2021

As a member of WiDS Datathon 2020-21 committee, I develop various starter resources kit to solve the machine laerning task using MATLAB

@ Medium - 2020

@ MathWorks channel - 2020

@ MathWorks Channel - 2021

@ Medium - 2021

Data preparation for WiDS Datathon using MATLAB

A resource guide to analyze and process data using WiDS 2021 dataset as example

@ Towards DataScience Medium

How to Preprocess Time Series Data with MATLAB

YouTube video demonstrating how you can process and clean time series MATLAB®.

Video Link

How to Implement Object-Oriented Programming Principles in MATLAB

YouTube video demonstrating how you can implement 4 object oriented programming principles in MATLAB®.

Video Link

Programming VEX EDR V5 Smart Motors Using Simulink

YouTube Video demonstrating the programming options using VEX EDR V5 smart motors. Developed for the particionats of VEX Robotics.

Video Link